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How To Search People On Pinterest [Steps With Pictures]

Pinterest is widely popular in this modern era. With Pinterest, you can quickly locate a lot of articles, people, blogs, and pictures of your interest. We’ll be going through the steps to search people on Pinterest, connect with them to get the latest update on news, articles, blogs, and videos. On Pinterest, it’s necessary to search and follow people to see the content they upload.

Steps To Search People on Pinterest

Here’re the steps needed in searching for people on Pinterest:

To search people on Pinterest website

  • Go to Pinterest.
  • Log in your Pinterest username and password.
  • Go to the search bar and type the name of interest.
  • Click on the ‘Search’ icon to look someone on Pinterest.

Searching - Pinterest

  • From the search result, locate the person you want to follow.

Search results - Pinterest

  • Check their profile to be sure if he is the person of interest.

Person profile - Pinterest

  • Then click on the ‘Follow’ button.

Other ways to search for people on Pinterest

Different ways to search an individual on Pinterest is to look pinners based on category. On the search bar at the top of your screen, you can type the keyword category of interest, for example, Architecture. You can then decide to view active pinners for architecture category by clicking the pinners tab in the search result page. With this, you will get to see people with word architecture in their username.

You can also search someone on Pinterest by importing contacts from other social media platform or your mail.

  • Visit Pinterest on your web browser or mobile application.
  • Open your profile page on Pinterest.

Profile page - Pinterest

  • Click on following in your profile page.

Add an account - Pinterest

  • Add an account to add more friends by selecting the platform to use such as Facebook, Google, and more.

Different profiles to add - Pinterest

Once you’ve done this, you can now view and get people’s update on your page to make your Pinterest page more blossoming.


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