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Top 7 Fastest Remote Desktop Software You Can Use

    If you are looking for the fastest remote desktop software then this article is for you. Today, we are going to look for some of the best and fast remote desktop tools.

    Remote desktop software makes it easy for you to connect more than one different PC wirelessly. These tools help in sharing your laptop screen with another person so that you can do whatever you want even if you are not at one same place.

    Remote desktop tools are there around for years now and used by the professionals and managers in the companies. Top MNCs use such tools to do their work even if they are on leave and sitting at home. There are many remote desktop software out there you can use and I’m going to mention here some which I like the most.

    Top 7 Fastest Remote Desktop Software You Can Use

    1. TeamViewer Remote Desktop
    2. AnyDesk
    3. Chrome Remote Desktop
    4. RealVNC Connect
    5. Splashtop
    6. LogMeIn Remote Access
    7. Remote Utilities

    1. TeamViewer

    Fastest Remote Desktop Software

    TeamViewer is one of the fastest remote desktop software you can ever use. This software comes in both the premium as well as free versions. The free version is also good for an individual who wants to use it for personal use. For enterprise work, you have to buy the premium version.

    TeamViewer helps you in sharing meetings, presentation, collaboration with different people. TeamViewer is easy to understand, secure and you can share even file with this software through FTP.

    2. AnyDesk

    Fastest Remote Desktop Software

    AnyDesk is one of the easy to use and fastest Remote Desktop software I have ever used. A screen sharing software which can be used anywhere anytime without any problem. It can provide around 60 FPS screen quality over internet connections and local networks with security.

    3. Chrome Remote Desktop

    Fastest Remote Desktop Software

    You have been using the world’s fastest browser, Google Chrome? Who doesn’t? Well, it has a great remote desktop sharing extension on its store called ‘Chrome Remote Desktop’. Now, while setting it up, it can be a bit of hectic process. But, once it’s done, you are good to go with probably zero interruption. It does not have that many features but it’s fast and once set up it’s a remarkable tool to use by Google and it is totally free.

    4. RealVNC Connect

    Fastest Remote Desktop Software

    RealVNC is also used for connecting different desktops or mobile devices around the world. It is a very popular and fast remote desktop tool which comes for Mac, Linux, and Windows. It can be used on any device tablet, mobile, and desktop. RealVNC is available in both free versions as well as paid versions. The free version will get device access for a non-commercial purpose like for an individual just sitting at home trying to do the work.

    It can help you with cloud connection, attended and unattended access, desk-side installation, remote deployment options etc.

    5. Splashtop

    Fastest Remote Desktop Software

    The users suggest that Splashtop is also secure and the fastest remote desktop software they have used. The refreshing screen rate of this tool is amazing. This works best for an individual as well as for the industry. This also shows it is having a paid version too. If you are working in an industry where you teach things remotely then this can be the perfect tool for you.

    6. LogMeIn Remote Access

    Fastest Remote Desktop Software

    LogMeIn is also one of the fastest remote desktop tools. It has a lot of features which make it count in all other popular remote desktop software. It provides an advanced configuration option for business users. Now, this one is not completely free software but you will get a starting trial period through which you can decide whether to buy this tool or not. It can also share and transfer files from one device to another and also remote printing from any browser which make LogMeIn even better from other tools. It is lightweight and fast too that offer some quality frames transfer quickly.

    7. Remote Utilities

    Fastest Remote Desktop Software

    An advanced remote desktop software specifically builds for IT industries which comes with a free trial version also. It is not completely free so you have to pay for it. It is also easy to use, modern and quite fast that you will not face any lag until your internet connection is good.

    So, hope you like the list of 7 fastest remote desktop software. If you do, then make sure to check out the latest technology trends and follow us on our social media.


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