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First Blockchain Virtual Machine On Java

    Aion network rolls out the first blockchain virtual machine on Java.

    Blockchain is a technology that enables the moving of digital coins from one individual to another. There are various digital coins and the most popular is Bitcoin and Ethereum.

    Blockchain is important as it attempts to solve the problem of money transfer in a more convenient way. This convenience arises as in Blockchain does not need third trusted parties. The money transfer is immediate, and the fees deducted is less as compared to those charged by third parties.

    The blockchain industry has evolved over the years and now there is a blockchain virtual machine, the first in the market being Aion Virtual Machine launched by Aion Network.

    This virtual machine is programmable and allows users to define operations e.g to work with a specific digital currency like bitcoin.

    First Blockchain Virtual Machine

    Aion Virtual Machine – First Blockchain Virtual Machine On Java

    This machine will revolutionize the blockchain industry as it uses the popular Java program. However, it is not a modification of the underlying JVM.

    With AVM, completeness has ensured as Java is comprehensive when it comes to developing tools. Aion was finally released after a year of hard work to solve the problem of getting a system that people are familiar with on the top of the blockchain.

    Other than developing such software, the Aion network also hopes to familiarize the niche of blockchain to those who would be interested in it.

    Aion Virtual Machine (AVM Machine) Learning

    Aion University and Aion Learn offer training on topics related to blockchain, provision of software development kits and lists of essential developer tools and templates.

    This will go a long way in increasing the number of blockchain developers as such mass education will help popularize blockchain.

    With Aion blockchain virtual machine, blockchain will be dealt with directly. It is seen to be more reliable as it runs all transactions simultaneously.


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