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Fix 400 Bad Request Error In Google Chrome – Learn How To Do It

    You are probably here because you want to fix 400 bad request error in Google Chrome. That’s what this article is all about. Today, here we are going to learn about 400 bad request issue and how we can fix it easily with our best practices.

    What is a 400 Bad Request

    Fix 400 bad request error in Google Chrome

    400 bad request is basically a status code for HTTP which tells us that the request sent by you to the server is an invalid request or invalid syntax. While resolving the HTTP requests, 400 bad request shows up and creates a complex relationship between a client, browser and a web server. In some cases, there can be third-party web services also. Due to this, a client may face some difficulties to fix 400 bad request error. You may get:

    400 Bad Request

    Bad Request – Invalid URL

    HTTP Error 400 – The reques Hostname is invalid.

    Bad Request. Your browser sent a request which this server could not understand.

    Bad request – Error 400

    400 – Bad reequest. The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client should not repeat the request without modifications.

    HTTP Error 400 – Bad Request

    HTTP Error – The size of the request headers is too long.

    What are the causes of 400 Bad Request Error in Google Chrome

    When a server is unable to the HTTP request sent by the client from its web browser due to invalid clients activity then a 400 bad request error arises. There can be many causes like:

    • The client may be uploading a file which is large in size.
    • Sometimes, the server might look for the custom HTTP headers for accepting the request and then process it. If that thing is missing the result would be 400 bad request error for sure.
    • The client may be storing the expired set of cookies and using them for a long time.
    • The client probably is entering the wrong URL (Incorrect letters).

    How To Fix 400 Bad Request Error In Google Chrome

    Following are the best ways to fix 400 bad request error in Google Chrome:

    Check the URL

    Before going anywhere and looking for the more solutions, take a look whether or not the URL you are accessing is correct or not. Make sure the syntax ‘HTTP/HTTPS’ is ok or not. This generally happens when you are typing the URL by yourself and there is a chance of spelling mistakes there.

    If you are copy-pasting the link also or If you are just clicking on the hyperlink and going to that website, the chances are that the link URL is not correct. Try Googling about the URL first, maybe it was changed by the owner.

    Refresh the page

    I know you have done it already and you know already that this should be the first option to do. But, most of us don’t even do that and start looking for the solution of the errors on the internet. Sometimes, the website you are visiting does not show the response that quick because their server is really slow. As a result, this shows up a 400 bad request error in some cases.

    Clear Cookies

    Clearing cookies really help in solving the 400 bad request error in Google Chrome. Some websites used to stores cookies in your browser to give the better results to their users. When these cookies are expired and not have been cleared from the browsers, they can create issues and shows you the error like 400 bad requests. To clear the cookies:

    • Press ‘CTRL + H’ and you’ll see a new history window will open up.
    • Now, from the left-hand side, click on ‘Clear browsing data’ button.
    • Choose the option ‘Cookies and other site data’.
    • Click on ‘Clear data’ button. Try refreshing the page after restarting the Chrome.

    Search with keywords

    A temporary solution, but works like a charm. This includes a descriptive method for searching the website you are visiting. Basically, with the help of Google, you can search the website for the content/article you are looking for. To do this:

    • You need to open the Google in a new tab.
    • Type “ fix 400 bad request error” and hit the enter key. It will show up the result for “fix 400 bad request error” which is the keyword article you are looking for on the website “”. The site is the operator to search on the website.

    Flush DNS Cache

    400 bad request can also be the reason that your PC might be storing the outdated DNS records. Flushing the DNS cache can help in fixing this issue very easily. To do this on Windows:

    • Open the CMD (Command prompt) from the start menu.
    • Type CMD and right-click on the CMD and run it as administrator.
    • Type “ipconfig /flushdns” without double-quotes and hit the enter key.

    File Size

    In some cases, 400 error arises if you are uploading a file on the server which is more than the limit you can upload. In that case, compress the file and then upload it. Make sure it is under the limit. Some websites do put a limit on the file size a user can upload. If still, there is an issue, try contacting the owner of the website and tell them issue you are having. In this case, that could be a server-side problem also.

    Restart your PC and other devices you are connected with

    Try visiting other websites, if the issue still persists, restart your devices. Restart the computer and try restarting your router, modem also. This sometimes works like a charm.

    Hope, you are able to fix 400 bad request error in Google Chrome. Well, this guide can be applied to other browsers also. We also share the latest technology trends, make sure you check them out. Don’t forget to follow us on social media for the latest updates on tech.


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