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How To Fix Google Chrome Error 12 – Step By Step Guide

Google Chrome is the most used web browser. Most of the people have Google Chrome as their default browser on Windows PC’s, MacBooks, Smartphones etc. This makes this browser our go-to everytime whenever we want to surf the internet. But Chrome is not a perfect piece of software. It shows errors at times. In this article, we will talk about how to fix google chrome error 12. This error is usually a result of some problems in Windows registry files. If you have tried to update google chrome and seen this error, there is no need to worry. This guide will help you fix google chrome error 12 very easily.

Fix Google Chrome Error 12

How to Fix Google Chrome Error 12 Update Failed:

Just follow these simple steps to fix google chrome error 12.

  1. Download ‘Advanced System Repair‘ software using this link.
  2. Install it on your computer.
  3. Open Advanced System Repair and start scanning.
  4. Click on ‘Repair All’ button after scanning is completed.
  5. Download ‘PC Health Advisor Malware Removal Toolusing this link.
  6. Install the software and start scan to remove any malware or spyware from your system.
  7. Click ‘Repair All’ button.

These steps should fix google chrome error 12. But in case you need technical details about this error, we’ve got you covered.

Technical Details About How to Fix Google Chrome Error 12:

Chrome Update Failed Error 12 may be caused by problems in Windows Registry.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>Advanced System Repair.exe

  1. Open Start menu. Search for ‘regedit.exe’. Open it.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/User Shell Folders.
  3. Double click on entry named ‘AppData’.
  4. Change it to your own local profile path.
  5. Click OK and restart your computer.

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