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How To Fix SSL Certificate Error In Google Chrome

    If you are having any trouble accessing the secure server in Google Chrome, then this guide is for you. In this article, we are going to learn how to fix SSL certificate error in Google Chrome.

    SSL is a secure socket layer protocol which protects the information transmitted between a client and a server. The SSL certificate is nowadays very important to be on a website.

    What kind of SSL Certificate Error you see and why?

    You might see a message which says “Cannot connect to the real”. It says “Something is currently interfering with your secure connection to”.

    The main reason behind this SSL certificate error could be:

    • SSL certificate might not be installed properly.
    • Not having the real-time system time.
    • Not having the updated Google Chrome.
    • Expired SSL certificate.
    • The website might have 128-bit SSL but outdated.
    • Untrusted SSL certificate.
    • Outdated SHA-1 Algorithm

    How to Fix SSL Certificate Error in Google Chrome

    In fixing SSL Certificate Error, you can follow the steps given below:

    Note: While performing this guide, I’m using a Windows 10 laptop here.

    Method 1: Adjusting the Windows Date & Time 

    The possible reason why this SSL certificate error is arising can be not having the real-time Windows date & time. You need to set it right and to do this:

    • On the taskbar, right-click on where you can see the ‘Time & Date‘ written.
    • Choose the ‘Adjust date/time‘ option in Windows 10.
    • Turn on the option “Set time automatically” & “Set time zone automatically“.

    Adjusting Date and Time - How to Fix SSL Certificate Error in Google Chrome

    Method 2: Adding Sites To Trusted Site List

    If you are facing such issue, you can always add the site you are visiting the trusted sites list in your Windows. To do this:

    • Right-click on ‘Wi-Fi’ icon or internet icon, then select ‘Open network & internet settings’.
    • Scroll down and click on ‘Network and Sharing Center’.
    • From the left-side down menu, click on ‘Internet options‘.
    • In ‘Security‘ tab, click on ‘Trusted sites‘.
    • Click on ‘Sites‘ button and type the website name there, then click on ‘Add‘ button.

    Adding Trusted Sites in Internet Options - How to Fix SSL Certificate Error in Google Chrome

    • Click ‘Close’ and check if the security level is set the ‘Medium‘ or not.
    • Then, click on ‘Apply and OK’ button.

    Method 3: Using the TLS 1.1/1.2

    Make sure your Windows internet options are using these two settings. To check them:

    • Go to start menu and search for ‘Internet options‘.
    • Hit the ‘Enter’ key to open them.
    • Go to the last ‘Advanced’ tab, scroll down to the end in the ‘Settings‘ block.
    • Check the ‘Use TLS 1.1‘ & ‘Use TLS 1.2‘ options.

    TLS Check in Internet Options - How to Fix SSL Certificate Error in Google Chrome

    • Click on ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’ button.

    Many people find this the most working method to fix SSL certificate error in Google Chrome.

    Method 4: Adding Target Path

    This is a temporary fix but works amazingly. You just need to edit the target path from where the Google Chrome is launched. This allows Google Chrome to bypass any errors. To do this:

    • First of all, make sure the there is a shortcut to Google Chrome present on your desktop. If not, then go to this “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application” path and send it to the desktop by right-clicking on it.
    • On your desktop, right-click on the Google Chrome shortcut and choose ‘Properties‘ option.
    • In the ‘Target‘ input field, go to the end and type “–ignore-certificate-errors” without double-quotes. Make sure to add a space before it.

    Changing Google Chrome Shortcut - Fix SSL Certificate Error In Google Chrome

    • Then, click ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’.

    Method 5: Update Google Chrome & Windows 10

    The SSL certificate error can also arise due to an outdated version of software and OS you are using. So, its required to update your Windows as well as Google Chrome.

    • To update Google Chrome, go to “Chrome://settings/help” page and it will automatically start looking for the updates.

    Google Chrome Update - How to Fix SSL Certificate Error In Google Chrome

    • To update Windows 10, go to the ‘Start‘ menu and type ‘Windows update‘. Hit the ‘Enter’ key from your keyboard to open it.
    • Click on ‘Check for updates’ button.

    Checking Windows Update - Fix SSL Certificate Error In Google Chrome

    • Download and install the updates, if there is any.

    Method 6: Clear SSL Cache

    Clearing the SSL state cache in your Windows internet properties can help in fixing SSL certificate error. To do this:

    • Go to start menu, type ‘Internet options‘ and hit the enter key.
    • In the ‘Content‘ tab, click on ‘Clear SSL state‘ button under the ‘Certificates‘ section.

    Clear SSL State - How to Fix SSL Certificate Error in Google Chrome

    • Restart your PC.

    Above options should have fix SSL certificate error in Google Chrome. Make sure to check our latest technology trends and follow us on social media.


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