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Best Google Chrome Extensions For Salespeople [Top 5]

    As the advancement of Google chrome extension progressed, it became essential to develop more extension useful for modern business. Google Chrome remains the most used web browser in this era. Salespeople are always occupied with a lot of work. Therefore, the aim is to look for an extension that will reduce the stress of not doing a lot of task at a time. Here, we present to you the best Google Chrome extensions for Salespeople. An extension which can complete the job quickly and effectively will be preferred.

    Best Google Chrome Extensions for Salespeople



    Buffer is the best Google Chrome Extensions for Salespeople. Its social selling is one of the most direct ways to reach clients. In any corporate environment personal social posting is a must, to be active and productive. So, there’s a need for publishing consistently across all existing platforms. Buffer helps reduce the amount of effort put into editing relevant post always. With Buffer, you will be able to share information across the web by clicking a button. Data can be shared based on a schedule to any location you prefer, and it has processed based on a queue feature.



    Dropbox lets you store documents such as file, and multimedia in the cloud. Those documents can be shared with other users or if the privacy settings are open users can them conveniently. Documents stored in Dropbox are secured and can be downloaded at any time. Dropbox Google Chrome extension allows you to send track-able attachments to clients. It is one of the best Google Chrome Extensions for Salespeople.



    Cirrus Insight developed the tool LinkBuddy. Specific keywords had set when typing, and they immediately become hyperlinks to other sets of content, as soon as you stop typing. It can save you time tracking down and linking these pieces together.


    Hootsuite - Best Google Chrome extensions for Salespeople

    Hootsuite is similar to Buffer; it allows you to share articles found the internet easily to your social media accounts. It’s advisable to state the date and the time you want the materials to be shared. Setting the date and time is one of the main difference between Buddy and Hootsuite. It is also one of the best Google Chrome Extensions for Salespeople.



    Grammarly is one of the most popular spell checkers on the internet. It checks terrible grammar, wrong spelling, and more. It is useful for salespeople because it corrects an error on documents, e-mails, and more before they are sent to their prospect. Even if you don’t have strong writing skill, Grammarly can make your report look better and stronger. It’s good to have a Grammarly premium version as it helps when sales or negotiation have has done in written form.


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