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Why Is My TikTok Video Under Review? [3 Reasons]

Looking for reasons why is your TikTok video under review? We have written 3 reasons for it. Check them out and try not to include those things in your video.

TikTok is a popular app that allows users to upload videos, normally short ones. It works just like YouTube app is available on Appstore and Android. TikTok was established in 2016 and it is based in China. It is currently available in many countries and was once the most downloaded app in the U.S. You can basically upload anything on this app ranging from your home videos, vlogs, pet videos, tutorials, educational stuff and music. This app is rated 13, but a person of any age can use it since there is no age confirmation check.

The good thing about this app is that one can choose who will and will not view your uploaded content. You can even set your content to private where you will only be able to access your videos alone. So privacy is guaranteed. But the main issue with this app is that videos take too long when being reviewed.  After uploading content, you will get a notification ‘TikTok video under review’ which can go for many days and can be frustrating. Many have been asking themselves this question and we have tried to figure out the possible reasons why your videos take too long to be approved for viewership.

3 Reasons Why Is Your TikTok Video Under Review

Violence-Oriented Content

TikTok guidelines are quite strict; the TikTok community would not really approve videos that promote violence, terrorism, threats and illegal activities. Uploading videos of bloodshed and physical harm will have your TikTok video under review constantly. Make sure to upload videos that play within the moral code.

Graphic And Explicit Content

TikTok is strict on this. You should never post adult content or any videos that are too graphic that require viewers’ discretion. You should therefore try to post videos that are suitable for general exhibition.

Copyright Infringement.

This is a sensitive issue that if not adhered to, will have your TikTok video under review. You should always post authentic videos. Posting music videos and movie clips that you do not have a right to is a violation of the copyright act, which the TikTok community is also against.


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